He Makes Us Brave
Photo credit: Eric Brown
Second Lieutenant Troy Robertson gave the following invocation at the Wreath Laying Ceremony at Darrell K Royal Memorial Stadium, remembering the University of Texas alumni that fought and died in World War I and II:
Our God in Whom We Trust,
Today, as we take time to honor our veterans, we thank you for their service.
You gave your sons and daughters to make peace in the world you love that we might keep the faith and not perish.
These are your children, your quiver of arrows, who have fought the good fight. Who have chosen the path of resilience, to do hard things in the midst of adversity.
These are your faithful servants, who dug down deep, giving us a bedrock of grit and determination, that we might lead lives of freedom and courage, having the integrity to weather any storm and overcome any evil.
We thank you for them, and we ask your blessing upon them and their families, that they may know you as their refuge and strength.
In the name of the One who makes us brave,