Bringing Chapel
One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may abide in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, experiencing the sweetness of the Lord, reflecting in his chapel. (Psalm 27:4, emphasis and translation mine)
The last word here is typically translated “temple,” signifying a public place where people meet with God. So often today, people disqualify themselves from entering into public places with which they have no association; they hesitate to enter a church or mosque or temple so as to avoid being disrespectful or presumptuous. I like how chapel is known as a place open to all — even a place to get married! — whether a member of the faith or non-faith community.
As I enter into my first day as a chaplain for Chapel Corps, on this 27th of January, I look forward to bringing chapel with me wherever I go. Not only do I get to every day seize the opportunity to be continuously with the Lord, but as I reflect on him and his goodness, I get to reflect him and his goodness to others.
For the cadets of Detachment 825 at the University of Texas, it will be my joy to do so. We have some of the finest young men and women in our nation preparing to embark on a noble journey for our national defense, and I am thankful to bolster their efforts through providing spiritual care and promoting their resilience.
While I have much vision and many aspirations as to where this can go, I will take heed the words of another 27th,
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. (Proverbs 27:1, ESV)
So today, I soak it in, rejoicing in all that God has done to bring me to this day, praising him for all we will continue to do, and simply being here ready to enjoy serving those who has placed right in front of me. Today, and as always, we will continue to move at…
Troy Robertson, Chaplain
Chapel Corps